Features 6 Sleeping with Elephants "In 1990 over 90% of screen time in Canadian theatres was taken up by foreign films. So why is it that the Canadian film scene was and is so dominated by American imports? Dr. Euan Taylor 7 What's the IP Address of My TV? "The television industry provides information and entertainment to the people. What is lacking is the availability of entertainment or more information "on demand." Prasad Dharmasena 8 X-pressing Ourselves "This universalization of our generation across racial, sexual, class, cultural lines -- lines that matter -- erases and marginalizes profound human differences." Johnn Tan   Departments 10 Keepers of Light "This month we visit the Station Street Arts Centre to view Female Nudes, and exhibition by Vancouver artist Skai Fowler." Kent Barrett 11 The Wine Enthusiast "With the end of apartheid, international trade barriers are being lifted, worldwide. This means that South African wines will be available in many parts of the world for the first time in many years. " Tom Davis 12 News Room "It has become quite fashionable of late to attack political advertisements. Some decry the corrupting effects of televised political manipulation, while others fear the advantage they bring to more affluent parties. Both, however, are wrong." Jon Gould "Because political commercials are produced by the same advertising agencies that spew forth corporate commercials, they provide politicians with the opportunity to control the image seen on television fully and completely." Paul Gribble 13 The Quill "The Beast has a hypnotic eye. When it stares at me, into me, its thoughts become my reality, and I can't discriminate between my own consciousness and the trance. It's not unpleasant, really. The Beast is gentle when it has my mind, but persistent." Davis Fitzjarrell 14 Déjà Vu "One cannot imagine a situation more primed for social explosion. It was with little surprise, that the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, stormed the town of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, and officially proclaimed its armed insurrection." Andreas Seppelt 15 Cuisine "This bread is very easy to make, sounds very weird, but is a true delight in my own opinion." Markus Jakobsson